
This is part of the Inductions for the Web Development Position for Spider, NITT.

Primary LanguagePHP

Quiz Away

Here's a samll quizzing portal where to put it simply, users can add (and by extension edit and delete) questions and answer questions published by others. There's a leaderboard and a couple of extras to make this (more) fun.

###What I used

  1. Client Side
  2. HTML (with the phpti templating engine)
  3. CSS
  4. Javascript/JQuery
  5. Server Side

###Server Routes

  • Open to all
    • /, /home (A simple homepage)
    • /login (The login page)
    • /register (The registration page)
    • /leaderboard (The leaderboard)
    • /user (A page to choose which user profile to view)
    • /user/{username} (View {username}'s profile)
  • Protected (Only logged in users)
    • /submit (View, edit or delete previously submitted questions or add new ones)
    • /quiz (Answer all questions put up by other users)
    • /quiz/{category}(Questions pertaining to {category})

###Build Instructions

  1. Clone the repo onto a subdirectory of your base apache server directory.
  2. Theres a .htaccess file for neat routes. To enable it,
    • LAMP: Open the terminal and
      1. sudo nano /etc/apache2/sites-available/default
      2. Once inside that file, find the following section, and change the line that says AllowOverride from None to All. The section should now look like this: <Directory /var/www/> Options Indexes FollowSymLinks MultiViews AllowOverride All Order allow,deny allow from all </Directory>
      3. Save the file and restart apache. sudo service apache2 restart
    • WAMP: Check out this stackoverflow answer
  3. Edit the config.php file. Write in your Username, Password and DBName.
  1. Just open index.php and play around

###Links to Download additional software

  1. Server
    1. Here's a guide on installing the LAMP stack. Explained with much more clarity and patience than I can muster.
  2. External modules
    1. The table sorter Jquery Plugin. A simple client side tool to make tables sortable.
    2. The highcharts Jquery plugin. A jquery plugin to make the use of Highcharts, an interactive javascript chart generating library, easier.
    3. The phpti templating engine that helps make reusable templates vary easily


  1. Home
  2. login
  3. Sample user profile
  4. Submission
  5. Answering
  6. Leaderboard