
Tricks to improve the generated image quality, extension script for AUTOMATIC1111/stable-diffusion-webui

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT


Wrapped k-diffuison samplers with tricks to improve the generated image quality, extension script for AUTOMATIC1111/stable-diffusion-webui

This is the sister repo of https://github.com/Kahsolt/stable-diffusion-webui-prompt-travel, it focuses on single prompt optimization rather than traveling between multiple prompts.

The core idea of Sonar is to search for similar (yet even better!) images in the neighborhood of some known image generated by a normal denoising process. Technically to do this, we hack into the samplers and sampling processing, do some tricks like:

  • momentum on latent difference
  • sample-wise optimzaton on prompt condition and image latent
  • txt2img under hard guidance of another given image (yet another img2img-like in a shallow fusion manner...)

to get image latents with higher quality (~perhaps!), and just pray again for good results 🤣

我们成立了插件反馈 QQ 群: 616795645 (赤狐屿),欢迎出建议、意见、报告bug等 (w
We have a QQ chat group now: 616795645, any suggeustions, discussions and bug reports are highly wellllcome !!

Change Log

  • 2022/11/27: add momentum on Euler, add hard ref-image guidance on Naive
  • 2022/11/20: add an Euler-like Naive, the simplest difference-estimation-based sampler with momentum & gradient
  • 2022/11/18: add momentum on Euler a



grad on condition


grad on latent


ref_img guide


Above images are not intented to show the best results, but showing the trendency. You shall carefully tune these hparams all by yourself to get good results. 🤣


  • prompt: (string)
  • base_sampler: (categorical)
    • Eular a: Eular with ancestral noise sampling
    • Eular: Eular the original
    • Naive: a so simple, sometimes naive sampler but to start anything from
  • momentum_*
    • momentum: (float), momentum of current latent difference
      • the larger, approving the current difference, (set 1.0 to disable momentum mechanism)
      • the smaller, approving the history difference momentum
    • momentum_hist: (float), momentum of memorized difference history
      • the larger, approving current history
      • the smaller, approving former histories
    • momentum_hist_init: (float), init value of history, aka. the genesis
      • zero: use the first denoised latent
      • rand_init: just use the init latent noise
      • rand_new: use a new guassian noise
    • momentum_sign: (categorical), momentum direction to apply correction
      • pos: correct by direction of history momentum, affirming the history
      • neg: correct by opposite direction of history momentum, denying the history
      • rand: random choose from above at each sampling step
      • NOTE: option neg and pos_neg works well only if momentum_hist is enough large (~0.9)
  • grad_*
    • grad_w_cond: (float), loss weight for optimizing prompt condition
    • grad_c_iter: (int), optimizing step count per sampling step for condition
    • grad_c_alpha: (float), optimizing step size for condition
    • grad_c_skip: (int), skip cond optimizing for the first n-steps
    • grad_w_latent: (float), loss weight for optimizing image latent
    • grad_x_iter: (int), optimizing step count for latent (this is NOT per sampling step)
    • grad_x_alpha: (float), optimizing step size for latent
    • grad_fuzzy: (bool), use fuzzy gradient for both
  • ref_*
    • ref_img: (file), reference image file
    • ref_meth: (categorical)
      • linear: linear interpolate between current and ref latent
      • euler: make an eular step from current to ref latent
    • ref_start_step: (float)
    • ref_stop_step: (float)
      • sampling step range which enables the ref guidance mechanism (kind of scheduling)
      • if > 1, parse as step number; if <= 1, parse as percentage of total steps


This repo allows your to quickly implement your own k-diffusion samplers, follow to do this:

  • creart a sampling procedure sample_<name>(), you can refer to the skeleton sampler sample_naive()
  • add a SamplerData entry in all_samplers_sonar
  • design ui components for your sampler hparams in ui(), then modify swith_sampler() to show/hide related tabs
  • restart webui and play with your own sampler~


Easiest way to install it is to:

  1. Go to the "Extensions" tab in the webui, switch to the "Install from URL" tab
  2. Paste https://github.com/Kahsolt/stable-diffusion-webui-sonar.git into "URL for extension's git repository", click "install" button
  3. Go to the "Installed" tab, click "Apply and Restart UI" button

Manual install:

  1. Copy this repo folder to the 'extensions' folder of https://github.com/AUTOMATIC1111/stable-diffusion-webui
  2. Go to the "Settings" tab, click "Restart Gradio and Refresh components" button

by Armit 2022/11/16