This is the PHP Client and PHP API for accessing the Loklak API It contains a series of calls that could be directly used for the requested JSON responses
This library is bundled with Requests library in PHP keeping it standalone and works by just plugging it into the lib/
This is intended to be the generic PHP request library to loklak for integration into PHP websites and CMS frameworks like wordpress, drupal, joomla etc..,
Install PHPUnit
using phar
or composer
Refer to this for installation details.
Once PHPUnit is installed, open XAMPP shell(for Windows users) / Terminal (for Ubuntu/Mac Users).
Go to project root and type the following command:
phpunit Tests
This will execute all tests in Tests
##Wordpress plugin developers
To include loklak API support to your plugin. Follow the undermentioned steps:
submodule to your plugin directory
git submodule add
Include loklak settings in your plugin settings option_page
<?php settings_fields( 'loklak-settings' ); do_settings_sections( 'loklak-settings' ); ?>
in your plugin logic files as need be. -
Loklak settings are stored as an array (
) in your wordpress database.
##Plugins with Loklak Integration
The complete list of Wordpress plugins with Loklak Integration is present here.
To test the plugins, refer to this sample wordpress installation.