
Merge the files that are configured by specific rules.👾

Primary LanguageJavaApache License 2.0Apache-2.0

 _______ .___  ___.  _______ .______        _______  _______ .______
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|   __|  |  |\/|  | |   __|  |      /     |  | |_ | |   __|  |      /
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|__|     |__|  |__| |_______|| _| `._____| \______| |_______|| _| `._____|

Getting Started

Fmerger is a plugin that you can merge all files configured in basic Java application. There can be many use case like merging the all .sql files in only single output file that you name with specific file name. Fmerger looks for files in classpath and that classpath path can be configured in pom.xml file. The specific file group separator can be configured, if it is became involved in configured the default separator '-'. The all configuration elements were explained in configuration section.


java_version >= 1.8
maven_version >= 3.3.1


The all piece of fmerger plugin will be analyzed step by step and at the end of this section, you can see the big picture of your build tag in your pom.xml file.

Path of all collected resources(parent)


File group content separator configured with twise minus, default is single minus.


All folders that are collected in resourcePath folder that is configured previously. Maybe those paths can be configured with the developers name or nickname etc. Note: That mechanism cannot work like recursive so it cannot find the inner folders. Your java app side will be like:

+-- src
|   +-- main
|   	+-- resources
|   		+-- okan.pehlivan
|   			+-- test.sql
|   			+-- another-test.sql
|   		+-- other.developer
|   			+-- developer-test.sql


The following configuration tags for all-in-one merged file outputs. It contains protocol(file directory), finalNamePrefix, path(last path to upload output file) and extension of file like .sql, .txt etc.

Note: The output file name will contains the timestamp and random number. The output file template seems like:


The following config for archive configuration. When the argument is written to console as following:


It will create a new archive file if not existed in your file directory. And the last output file will be created in there and in ${output.path} also. Archive will clear all files that you worked on. Be carefull when you use it, but if you made a mistake check the archive folder, for the long files maybe you cannot seperate the file like previously. If you don't want to do that mistake, the snapshotPath config can be used before archive(release) to check the last output file what looks like, by using the following argument:


Note: Your snapshot output file will be marked with -SNAPSHOT suffix.


Last presentation of build tag in your pom.xml file of your java application.







Additional arguments

-Dconsole // to print last output file content in console
-Darchive // to trigger archive options
-Dsnapshot // to trigger the snapshot options
-DfinalNamePrefix // override or specify the finalName(file name) prefix externally
-DdisableFinalNameSuffix // disable the final name suffix, by default it is {timestamp-randomNumber}
-DcontentSeperator // override the content separator externally