
Polls PlanGrid API to store into a local database

Primary LanguageJavaScript


  • nodejs > 6.0
  • npm install -g tedious sequelize sequelize-cli

Creating an .env file

Create a new file in the root of the project called .env

Create this on both Development and Production

// PlanGid API Key
PLANGRID_KEY='<your plangrid api here>'

// Development envirnoment setup
DEV_USERNAME='<dev username>'
DEV_PASSWORD='<dev password>'

// Production envirnoment
PROD_USERNAME='<sql username created above>'
PROD_PASSWORD='<sql password created above>'
PROD_HOST='<sql server hostname>'
PROD_INSTANCE='<sql server instance>'

// Syslog Server
SYSLOG_SERVER='<ip address or hostname>'

Database Setup

Using Postgres for local development testing and Microsoft SQL in production.

Setup the Postgres Development database

  1. Create a new Postgres database on your local machine called Plangrid-dev and make the Owner the current user.

Setup the MSSQL Production database

  1. Create a new database on your MSSQL Server called Plangrid or use your existing data mart
  2. Create a new SQL user and make it the dbo for both databases.

Run migration to prep the database

sequelize db:migrate --env=development sequelize db:migrate --env=production

Run in Production

NODE_ENV=production nodejs app.js

or (if using PM2)

NODE_ENV=production pm2 start app.js

Update project_id to your needs

Additional field we use to track our projects internally. All PlanGrid projects start with the job number as the prefix. Update file controllers/projects line#19. Reference here to learn more about substring.