Gossip Me!

For this activity, I reinforced my knowledge of MongoDB/Mongoose and web scraping by building a web application that scraped a site and returned the articles back to the app. The user is able to save articles he or she is interested in and add notes to them. Unless the user deletes the note, when others visit that particular article, they should also be able to see the note as well. Also, we had to deploy our app to Heroku using mLab.

NPM Packages:

  • Express
  • Body Parser
  • Logger
  • Mongoose
  • Request
  • Cheerio

Unfortunately, this assignment was very tough so I wasn't able to completely finish it; however, this project is something I would like to keep working on so it is fully functional. Also, one of the requirements was to use handlebars, but I didn't get a chance to apply that here or style the site so that is on my to-do list as well.

in progress...