
REST API doclet

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Travis Build Codecov Java 7 required


REST API documentation how to access REST-API


  • Support swagger json 2.0 format
  • html docrest pages with nice UI testing with real server
  • support PostMan tool Test APIs
  • integrate with oauth2 access_token flow
  • support and produc curl command
  • easy doc-rest annotation
  • easy to integration any backend projects + spring framework

integrated with your project

To use DocRest in a project please make the following changes to pom.xml with profile: mvn clean install -Pjavadoc

                        <!-- output dirs -->
                        <target name="docrest">
                          <property name="build.dir" location="target" />
                          <property name="lib.dir" location="${build.dir}/lib" />
                          <property name="classes" value="${build.dir}/classes" />
                          <property name="gen-src.dir" value="${build.dir}/generated-sources" />
                          <path id="buildClasspath">
                            <fileset dir="${lib.dir}">
                              <include name="**/*.jar" />
                              <exclude name="test/**" />
                            <pathelement location="${classes}" />
                          <javadoc sourcepath="src/main/java" author="false"
                            encoding="UTF-8" source="1.7" classpathref="buildClasspath"
                            <doclet name="com.wadpam.docrest.DocRestDoclet"
                              <param name="-basePath" value="unknown" />
                              <param name="-baseUrl" value="unknown" />
                              <param name="-clientId" value="unknown" />
                              <param name="-d"
                                value="${build.dir}/docrest/${project.name}/${project.version}" />

How to use rest-doclet annotation

================================== @RestReturn , @RestCode

 /** <p>
 * reset password is used by only user of type resource owner passwords.
 * This function will send an email as html content with a deep link to user base on appType.
 * <p/>
 * @param username Username for login value is email address.
 * @param appType Application type which is used to generate deep link send in email content. Values:
 *            <ul>
 *            <li>1 - for iOS</li>
 *            <li>2 - for Android</li>
 *            <li>3 - for web</li>
 *            </ul>
@RestReturn(highlightApiMessage = "resetpassword", value = ResponseEntity.class, entity = ResponseEntity.class,
            codes = @RestCodes(codes = "200,401,403,404,500"))
@RequestMapping(value = "v1/user/resetpassword", method = RequestMethod.POST, params = "username")
@Authorization(userRoles = { UserRole.ROLE_USER_CREDENTIALS })
public void resetPassword(HttpServletRequest request, @RequestParam String username,
        @RequestParam(required = false, defaultValue = "3") Long appType) {

Generate rest api documentation


$ mvn clean install -Pjavadoc

check the docrest site in target/site/apidocs/api.html

screen shoot



  • @RequestParam(required=false) - Please add 'required' to every RequestParam. It produces better DocRest. Value should be true or false.
  • Optional readme-docrest.txt file directly under project directory will be used as top guideline of REST API

readme-docrest.txt file

Optional readme-docrest.txt file directly under project directory will be used as top guideline of REST API code
backend-projectName (ant/ivy)
   + readme-docrest.txt
   + ivy.xml
   + build.xml
   + src
   + ...
 backend-project (maven)
   + readme-docrest.txt
   + pom.xml
   + src
   + ....
 backend-project (gradle)
   + readme-docrest.txt
   + build.gradle
   + gralde.properties
   + src
   + ....
===================the sample content readme-docrest.txt file========
<!-- server URLs : enable for real servers -->
<script type="text/javascript">
    var serverUrls =["http://servername.company.com"];
This backend is about for handling endpoints REST-APIs and response as Json format and response back to client-apps (iOS, Android,Mobile-Web, 3rd party and more...)
Each REST-API Request must start with /api.
Backend most REST-APIs supported request Content-Type : <b>"application/x-www-form-urlencoded"  , "application/x-www-form-urlencoded charset=utf-8" </b>
App client should use this Content-Type when making a call REST-API Backend.
However some REST-APIs are supported request Content-Type : application/json  as well , please see REST-DOC API documentation below: 
Monitor REST-API GET: http://localhost:8080/monitor

====Release new version and deploy===

$ mvn release:clean release:prepare

$ mvn deploy