
Primary LanguageJavaScript

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👕 👖 ThreadUp 👖 👕

Sophia Best

📝 Description

ThreadUp is a one stop shop. Shop through some of the most popular brands and items all in one store!


Description Screenshot


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🎨 Wireframes
Description Screenshot

Product Page

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⚙️ Functionality
Description Screenshot

Home Page

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Main Page after Logging In

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Detail Page of a Product

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Shopping Cart

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Order History

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💻 Technologies Used

MongoDB Express React Node JWT Mongoose ODM JavaScript HTML5 CSS3 Trello Heroku Github VSCode

⚛️ Getting Started

📲 Instructions

How to
  1. Create an Account using link on the home page
  2. Click through categories to see available products
  3. Click details on a product to read descriptions and learn more about it
  4. Click add to cart if the product interests you
  5. Checkout to place your order
  6. View Order History to see all of your orders

🔗 Links

Trello Board https://trello.com/b/TYD1kWFw/ecommerce
Deployed Link (Heroku) https://threadup.herokuapp.com/

⏩ Next Steps

Upcoming Features

  • Add ability to leave reviews on products

  • Add ability to add address to account

  • Add ability to edit certain details of account such as address

  • Add ability to like/favorite products

  • Add different size options that are clickable