
Shader library for HeavyM, ISF format, mostly from Shadertoy.com

Primary LanguageGLSLGNU Affero General Public License v3.0AGPL-3.0

ISF Shader Library for HeavyM


Shader library for HeavyM, ISF format, mostly from https://Shadertoy.com Needs HeavyM version 1.10 and later.


Git clone in Documents\HeavyM\ShadersLibrary to use them. For example, in the terminal/cmd/ps (needs git installed) : git clone https://github.com/sophiadigitalart/ShadersLibrary.git then copy the folder contents in YourDocumentsFolder/HeavyM/ShadersLibrary


In case you want to contribute, instead of cloning this repo, fork it and : Add shaders by copying Template.fs, edit, test, then share by doing a pull request!


png / jpg / gif size 120 x 68px

Standard uniforms:

HeavyM expect standard uniform variables named RENDERSIZE, TIME... To ease the shader editing process, I propose to use defines to match shadertoy uniform variable names:

#define iResolution RENDERSIZE
#define iTime TIME 
Other unicorns:

iMouse, IDate and some other uniform variables are not currently supported, so I add them in the INPUTS section:

			"NAME" :	"iMouse",
			"TYPE" :	"point2D",
			"DEFAULT" :	[ 0.0, 0.0 ],
			"MAX" : 	[ 640.0, 480.0 ],
			"MIN" :  	[ 0.0, 0.0 ]


Check this shader for more input types.


When you have an error on line x, substract 52(was 65) to have the real line in your shader file.