
CSUS midterm review for COMP 202 W2018.

Primary LanguageJava

COMP 202 Winter 2018 Midterm Review

Binary numbers

  • Decimal-to-binary, binary-to-decimal

Variables and primitive data types

  • Creating variables of different types

Expressions and assignments

  • What is ‘evaluation’ of an expression

Input arguments

  • What are they, and how are they used?


  • Passing parameters, returning values
  • Calling a method, void methods

Mod operator (%)

  • What is it? What have we used it for?


  • What’s the order they are evaluated in?

Strings and chars

  • How do we get each char in a String?
  • How can we test chars?
  • How does concatenation work?

For and while loops

  • Loop conditions
  • Initialization/condition/modification
  • Know how many times a loop is iterated

Type Issues

  • Casting, conversions, integer division

Different kinds of errors

  • Logic/style/compile-time/run-time
  • Examples of when each occur

Random numbers

  • How to generate a number from min to max


  • What do they store?
  • How do we create them?
  • How do we do calculations on arrays?
  • How do we access elements in an array?
  • Two-dimensional arrays are testable

Reference Types

  • What do we copy over when we call a method? Values vs addresses
  • Can we change an array in a method? A String?
  • What is the null value used for?