
Choose a restaurant around you to go to for lunch with your colleagues. MVVM, Firebase, Retrofit, LiveData, Maps API, Places API...

Primary LanguageJava

[not maintained]


School project

Go4Lunch is an app for co-workers.

Functionalities :

  • Look for a restaurant around you and select it to let your collegues know where you'll be eating for lunch.
  • See where each of your colleagues will be eating, in a list, and on the map.
  • Receive a notification a few moments before lunch to let you know where you will be having lunch and with wich colleagues.
  • Add restaurants to favorites.
  • Look for a restaurant by name.


  • Send messages to your colleagues directly in the app.
  • See an history of all the restaurants you've had lunch at before.
  • Look for a colleague by name.


. . . .

Build project

To build the project you will need a Google API key, an Algolia API key and id, that you will write in your"gradle.properties" file like so:


You will also need to get the "google-services.json" file through Firebase, and place it in the "app" directory of the project.

For more informations :


  • Firebase
  • FirebaseUI
  • Places
  • Glide
  • Retrofit
  • WorkManager
  • Algolia
  • Mockito
  • EasyPermissions
  • Gson
  • Espresso
  • AndroidX