
A template for our candidate websites

Primary LanguageHTML

Candidate Pages

This is a template for our candidate sites – you can find them deployed at https://alisonhartson.com, https://votesarahsmith.com, https://ocasio2018.com, https://bell2018.com, https://anthonyclark2018.com, https://paulajean2018.com, https://votecoribush.com, and https://chardo2018.com.

Running Locally

You must have Elixir 1.5+ installed (1.6 would be great for auto-formatting).

To do that, visit https://elixir-lang.org/install.html and follow the instructions for your operating system.

After that, assuming you've installed Git, run:

git clone https://github.com/justicedemocrats/candidate-website.git
cd candidate-website/
mix deps.get
mix phx.server

And then visit http://localhost:4000/?candidate=alexandria-ocasio-cortez in your browser.

?candidate=some-slug is a required parameter.

Making Changes

To make changes, modify the templates in /lib/candidate_website/templates, or the Stylus in /assets/stylus, and your changes will hot-reload.

What's Happening

This is a barebones Elixir/Phoenix app which fetches content from CosmicJS, which is an API first CMS.