A fun jQuery plugin for your (or for your element's) extended relatives.
All of the element's children's children.
All of the element's grandchildren's children.
The element's parent's parent.
The element's grandparent's parent.
el.aunts(), el.uncles()
All of the element's parent's siblings.
el.prevAunt(), el.prevUncle()
The element directly before the element's parent.
el.prevAunts(), el.prevUncles()
All of the element's parent's siblings that come before the element in the document, returned in reverse document order (closest to the original element first).
el.nextAunt(), el.nextUncle()
The element directly after the element's parent.
el.nextAunts(), el.nextUncles()
All of the element's parent's siblings that come after the element in the document, returned in document order (closest to the original element first).
All of the element's aunts and uncles's children.
All of the element's aunts and uncles's children that come before the element in the document, returned in reverse document order (closest to the original element first).
All of the element's aunts and uncles's children that come after the element in the document, returned in document order (closest to the original element first).
el.nieces(), el.nephews()
All of the element's siblings' children.
el.prevNieces(), el.prevNephews()
All of the element's siblings' children that come before the element in the document, returned in reverse document order (closest to the original element first).
el.nextNieces(), el.nextNephews()
All of the element's siblings' children that come after the element in the document, returned in document order (closest to the original element first).
el.brothers(), el.sisters()
All of the element's siblings.
el.father(), el.mother()
The element's parent.
Inspired by one of John Resig's offhand remarks.
Please submit bug reports on GitHub issues or send me a note at ben@benalpert.com if you have any questions or feature suggestions.