
📦 new machines the way I like them

Primary LanguageShell


dotfiles my dotfiles and "new machine" setup

What does it do

Sets up my home directory with dotfiles and installs everything a new machine needs to be used by me, using chezmoi.

Setup includes:

  • oh-my-zsh
  • vim plugins
  • starship prompt
  • asdf (for managing versions of ruby, node, python, kubectl and others)
  • fzf used in various ways
  • many personalised aliases and functions
  • other miscellaneous tools

Use it

  1. install chezmoi (curl -sfL https://git.io/chezmoi | sh)
  2. chezmoi init https://github.com/sophieklm/dotfiles.git
  3. chezmoi diff to comparec config files (this does not display scripts that will run, so take a last look at what is included to be sure)
  4. chezmoi apply to install everything in one command
  5. chezmoi update when changes are made


  • Keep configuration stored in a folder under its domain
  • To add to .zshrc, create a file in the domain directory called config.zsh
  • If writing a script, ensure it's idempotent—it should check if it needs to run before executing.
  • More info in the chezmoi docs