External information display for modern Honda motorcycles, using the HDS (diagnostic) connector on the ECU and other sensors (e.g GPS, DHT22)
- acolombo11
- acyrmaniCyrman
- albymorItaly
- BananaJoh
- bedmisten
- BrokenSpork
- CWCorreaMedellin, Colombia
- dedehendriono@henduino
- dlobato@aristanetworks
- frankzappasmustachePacific Northwest
- g33k5z
- gbuzogany
- gspotapp
- HBBisenieksOakland
- jjggzhou
- joeashcraft@redhatofficial
- k4cy
- mauricioalarconSan Francisco, CA
- mizbit
- NoDevicesFound
- nrahimi
- rghuckinsDecile
- rollooLithuania
- ryanthered88
- seife@SAP SE, @b1-systems B1 Systems GmbH
- sfowlrIntegrated Solutions for Systems
- slabua株式会社Rist
- sleepfrontofmtvSeoul
- strzh
- thecybo
- TMGMarcel@The-TM-Group-Inc
- Vlastbia
- wbortz
- whyman@spin-org / @gerbera
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- yangosoft