
Postman collection to work with Sophos Central APIs

Postman collection for Sophos Central APIs

This is a Postman collection for interacting with Sophos Central's Public APIs. See https://developer.sophos.com.

Getting started

Use one of these Getting Started guides to set up your API credentials:

  • Sophos Partners use this guide. You must be enrolled in the Sophos Partner Program to call our Partner APIs.
  • Enterprise customers use this guide. You should have Enterprise Admin enabled for one or more tenants in your organization.
  • If neither profile fits you, use this guide for tenants.

Note down the client_id and client_secret for the API credentials you create.

Install Postman

To use this collection you will need to install Postman v11 or a later stable version.

Import collection

Clone or download this repository. Then import the file Sophos Central APIs.postman_collection.json into Postman.

Initialize environment

Next edit the Sophos Central Example.postman_environment.json file provided to add your client_id and client_secret.

Make API calls

We recommend that you make API calls in the following order:

  1. Authenticate to obtain an access token.
  2. Call the Who-am-I API to find your Sophos-assigned partner, organization, or tenant ID. This will add your account ID and the time-limited access token to the Postman environment, making it easier to click through many of the other API requests.
  3. Enumerate tenants as a partner/organization and get a specific tenant by ID. (Tip: Set tenant_id in the Postman environment for convenience)
  4. Call the Common API to list alerts, users and groups.
  5. Enumerate endpoints for a tenant using the Endpoint API.
  6. Configure endpoint global settings and perform actions, such as starting a scan.
  7. See this to run a Live Discover query.

A note on security️

Exercise extreme caution when handling and storing your credentials, in particular client_secret, as the theft of these will allow a malicious actor to access or delete sensitive data in your Sophos Central account. We recommend that you:

  • Use a password manager, if possible. For example, on macOS, you can use the security command from the Terminal app to save the client_secret to the macOS KeyChain and later retrieve it from automation scripts.
  • Don't use your credentials from an untrusted device or on an untrusted network
  • Don't share your credentials with others, especially over insecure communication channels such as email
  • Don't check your client_secret into source code


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