
Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT



Ember NPM


Travis Coveralls



Ember Observer score



ember install ember-frost-popover


Interface Attributes Value Description
Action close Close the popover and optionally fire an external action
Option offset The amount in pixels the popover should appear from the target (defaults to 10)
Option position top,right,bottom,left, auto The location of the popover relative to the target. When auto is specified, it will dynamically reorient the popover. For example, if position is auto left, the popover will display to the left when possible, otherwise it will display right. (defaults to bottom)
Option closest boolean When true uses JQuery's closest function. Otherwise just uses main selector $(<target>) (defaults to false).
Option excludePadding boolean When true removes the padding from position calculations (defaults to false).
Option event The event that will trigger the popover (defaults to on click). Uses on()
Option target The selector string of the target that activates the popover
Option viewport The selector for the viewport. Defaults to 'body'
Option resize If set to false, will prevent the browser from resizing at the edges of the viewport. This preserves the expand to fit content behavior of width: auto. It defaults to true.

Specifying Target

If the frost-popover component is placed next to the target, be careful to use a selector that will uniquely identify the target. If it is nested inside the target, you can set closest to true which will search the nearest ancestor from the popover.

A Note On Positioning

The popover is displayed using absolute positioning. The target's coordinates are determined from the offsets from its parent's container. In most cases, the target will occupy the same stacking context as the popover. However, if the target has absolute positioning and the popover is nested, they won't share the same stacking context and the popover's position will be erroneous. If the target must be absolute, then it's best to place the popover next to it.


{{#frost-button hook='popoverButton' size='small' priority='primary' class='button'}}
  <div class='text'>Target</div>
  {{#frost-popover target='.button' closest=true offset=10 position='bottom' as |close|}}
    Popover content
    {{#frost-button hook='closeButton' size="small" priority="tertiary" onClick=(action close)}}
      <div class="text">Close</div>

<div class='target'>
frost-popover testbed
{{#frost-popover target='.target'}}
  <span class='inside'>Inside Popover</span>

<div class='lefty'>
left testbed 5
{{#frost-popover target='.lefty' closest=true position='right' excludePadding=true event='mouseenter mouseleave'}}
  <span class='inside'>On Hover</span>



git clone git@github.com:ciena-frost/ember-frost-popover.git
cd ember-frost-popover
npm install && bower install

Development Server

A dummy application for development is available under ember-frost-popover/tests/dummy. To run the server run ember server (or npm start) from the root of the repository and visit the app at http://localhost:4200.


Run npm test from the root of the project to run linting checks as well as execute the test suite and output code coverage.