Upload File in Lightning Component and Visualforce

Deploy to Salesforce

Implementation Details

  • UploadFile_Controller.cls
    • This class uses Attachment object and associates it to a parent record. Associate object is trasient because of 135KB View State restriction in Visualforce.
    • After file upload, a message is generated which will be sent to Lightning Component to inform users of success or failure or upload.
  • UploadFilePage.page
    • This page will exchange messages with Lightning Component
    • Once the page loads, Visualforce sends a message to the Lightning component that the page was successfully loaded.
      • The Lightning component has no way to know when the iFrame is loaded and when to send data for the map.
      • If we try to send data before the receiving iFrame is ready, then we get an error.
    • When a file has been selected in the form, Visualforce will send another message to Lightning Component
      • Lightning Component uses this enable/disable submit button
    • After file has been uploaded, Visualforce will send a message to Lightning Component indicating success or failure.
  • UploadFileContainer.cmp
    • This component can be inserted on any sObject
    • Current record ID will be sent to Visualforce to use as ParentID when file is uploaded
    • Once a file has been uploaded, a UI message will be displayed



