
Library to support the Java SOPLETS coding pattern. Read more at http://www.soplets.org/


SOPLETS is a Java coding pattern which allows you organizing the logics contained in your code in a consistent, systematic way by just using annotations and enumerations.

This is the library to support the Java SOPLETS coding pattern. Find out more at http://www.soplets.org/

Build the jar with 'gradle jar' lombok_soplets requires lombok (http://projectlombok.org/) It has been successfully tested with lombok-0.11.6.

To develop using eclipse modify the file eclipse.ini inside your eclipse home folder. At the end of the file add the following lines with the correct path to the needed jars:

-javaagent://lombok-0.11.6.jar -Xbootclasspath/a://lombok-0.11.6.jar -Xbootclasspath/a://org.soplets.lombok.jar