
Primary LanguageJavaOtherNOASSERTION

SoPra Project Group 24 Uno Extreme Server


We are a Team of 4 Students at the UZH of Zürich. For the course Software Enginnering Lab we had to build a web app. We wanted to make a fun project and therefore we decided to implement a game. The game we choose is the popular game Uno Extreme.


  • gradle (build tool)
  • java 15
  • spring boot
  • Heroku (for automatic deployment via github)
  • Sonarcloud (for Coverage and bug detection)

High Level Components


  • GameController handles all requests via websockets and calls the GameService with the data.
  • GameService validates and processes the data and stores the changes in the game repository.
  • JpaEntity Game & GameRepository stores the game data such as players their hands the deck and the discard pile.


  • UserController via Rest protocol
  • UserService Handles the User data from the controller


  • LobbyController Rest and Websocket Endpoints
  • LobbyService Handles the Lobby data from the controller

Launch and Deployement

Setup this Template with your IDE of choice

Building with Gradle You can use the local Gradle Wrapper to build the application.

  • macOS: ./gradlew
  • Linux: ./gradlew
  • Windows: ./gradlew.bat More Information about Gradle Wrapper and Gradle.


./gradlew build


./gradlew bootRun


./gradlew test

Development Mode

You can start the backend in development mode, this will automatically trigger a new build and reload the application once the content of a file has been changed and you save the file.

Start two terminal windows and run:

  • ./gradlew build --continuous

and in the other one:

  • ./gradlew bootRun

If you want to avoid running all tests with every change, use the following command instead:

  • ./gradlew build --continuous -xtest


  • Sorting Cards according to Color before returning them
  • Profile Picture displayed in lobbies
  • Additonal Cards like Change Hands

Authors and acknowledgment


  • Livia Stöckli
  • Florian Rüegsegger
  • Lea Kehrli
  • Mauro Hirt


  • Kyrill Hux: Project Assistant teacher
  • Thomas Fritz: Professor
  • Roy Rutishauser: Head asssistant teacher


This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE.md file for details