EditorELF is a level editor for BlendELF. The development has just started so don't except anything too fancy yet... -------------------------------- ----------- Authors ------------ -------------------------------- Samuel Anjam, aka centralnoise - Lead coder INSTRUCTIONS - Moving Camera - WSAD to move the camera and HOLD RMB + MOUSE to rotate it. HOLD SHIFT to move faster and ALT to move slower. - Deleting Objects - The DELETE button deletes an object. - Duplicating Objects - CTRL + D duplicates the selected object if duplication for it is supported. - Hiding Menus - HOLD SPACE to hide the menus for taking screenshots and previewing the scene. You can also hide the sidebars with the long vertical buttons in the sides of the screen. - Taking Screen Shots - F5 saves a screenshot to the editor folder as "screenshot.png". By default, EditorELF opens an empty scene. All of the functionality can be found in the property sidebar on the right. It contains various submenus which enable you to open and import scenes and files, edit various actor types and preview the scene with post processing effects. You can also drag objects to the scene from the left sidebars file listing.