An app that is similar to twitter, but withouth all the bad stuff.
An app that is similar to twitter, but withouth all the bad stuff.
This app was made while participating in a challenge made by platzi!
actually, yes, this project was supposed to be a twitter clone, so you had to clone the interface and make it tweet capable.... well a tweet xD. The thing is that I couldn't attend that class, so I decided to invent my own twitter inspired application. the functionality still being the same tho.
i use mainly react with javaScript, also started using vite js for the first time(and it is really useful!)besides that, didnt use anything else.
use what i knew about react to build something more "real" something that i didnt watch and followed in a tutorial, also i consumed my first API rest with react! (was a little bit complicated at first but i figure it out how to solve it ! ╰(°▽°)╯)also learned, of course, how to work with components in a modular way, and how work with the styles(used vanilla css) in each component.
and here is how it looks like when you make a post
clicking this link!
yes i do! probably would think which any other feature can add c: