
Flutter baidu speech recognition plugin for ios and android

Primary LanguageObjective-CGNU Lesser General Public License v3.0LGPL-3.0

Flutter Baidu Speech Recognition Plugin


A speech recognition plugin for flutter using BaiduSDK.See the changelog for more information about the function.

Getting Started

Add this to your package's pubspec.yaml file:

    baidu_speech_recognition: 0.1.4

Basic Usage

import 'package:baidu_speech_recognition/baidu_speech_recognition.dart';

BaiduSpeechRecognition _speechRecognition = BaiduSpeechRecognition();

// initialize 
_speechRecognition.init().then((value) => print(value));
// start long speech recognition 
 _speechRecognition.startLongSpeech().then((value) => print(value)); 

 // start speech recognition 60s long
 _speechRecognition.start().then((value) => print(value));  

// cancel recognition 
 _speechRecognition.cancel().then((value) => print(value));

The Callback Listener

You can add a listener :

      .listen((String value) {
        // TODO do somethig with the value

The return value is a JSON String :

  "type": "The recognition result type",
  "value": "The result"

the type have the following value:

type desc
ready ready to speaking...
start detect start speaking...
stop stop speaking. and return the last result
cancel cancel the last recognition
finish return the last recognition
lfinish long speech return
end end speaking...
meter return volume meter level

For iOS developer

Go to 百度ASR download SDK for iOS,then copy BDSClientLib and BDSClientResource to the same directory of you flutter project,the file structure like this:

  |--Your FLutter Projcet/

Then open your iOS projcet on Xcode and add the baidu speech SDK library and some resource.

Add BDSClientLib/libBaiduSpeechSDK.a to you project group as "create groups",

Add BDSClientResource/ASR/BDSClientResources to your project group as "create folder references",

Add BDSClientResource/ASR/BDSClientEASRResources to your project group as "create groups".

Add the following framework to your project:

Framework Desc
libc++.tbd For c/c++ func support
libz.1.2.5.tbd For gzip support
libsqlite3.0.tbd For sqlite support
libiconv.2.4.0.tbd Some utility

Finally add Microphone Usage privacy to your info.plist file.

Project Setting

Open you project with xcode and go to Pods, select the baidu_speech_recognition TARGETS, then select the Build Settings Tab, Change Mach-O Type to Static Library.Then go to the Build Phases, make sure all the Headers are Public.

If you have any problem or Error Please make a issue.

For Android developer

First become a baidu Developer

The Follow the guide to add some permission and file you need