
Use omniauth for nginx auth_request

Primary LanguageRubyMIT LicenseMIT

NginxOmniauthAdapter - Use omniauth for nginx auth_request


Use omniauth for your nginx's authentication via ngx_http_auth_request_module.

NginxOmniauthAdapter provides small Rack app (built with Sinatra) for auth_request.


  • nginx with ngx_http_auth_request_module

Quick example

$ bundle install

$ cd example/
$ foreman start


(make sure to have nginx on your PATH)



  1. Start adapter app with proper configuration
  2. enable auth_request and add some endpoints on nginx
  • See example/nginx-site.conf for nginx configuration.

Running with Rubygems

# Gemfile
gem 'nginx_omniauth_adapter'

Then write config.ru then deploy it. (see ./config.ru for example)

Using docker

  • Prebuilt: https://quay.io/repository/sorah/nginx_omniauth_adapter
    • Own your risk.
    • They're built at circleci
  • Build manually: checkout this repo and run docker build ..
    • Much safer.
    • But if you can't trust upstream image quay.io/sorah/rbenv:2.2, write your own Dockerfile. This is just a simple Rack app.


environment variable is available only on included config.ru (or Docker image).

  • :providers: omniauth provider names.
  • :provider_http_header $NGX_OMNIAUTH_PROVIDER_HTTP_HEADER (string): Name of HTTP header to specify OmniAuth provider to be used (see below). Defaults to 'x-ngx-omniauth-provider`.
  • :secret $NGX_OMNIAUTH_SESSION_SECRET: Rack session secret. Should be set when not on dev mode
  • :host $NGX_OMNIAUTH_HOST: URL of adapter. This is used for redirection. Should include protocol (e.g. http://example.com.)
    • If this is not specified, adapter will perform redirect using given Host header.
  • :allowed_app_callback_url $NGX_OMNIAUTH_ALLOWED_APP_CALLBACK_URL (regexp): If specified, URL only matches to this are allowed for app callback url.
  • :allowed_back_to_url $NGX_OMNIAUTH_ALLOWED_BACK_TO_URL (regexp): If specified, URL only matches to this are allowed for back_to url.
  • :app_refresh_interval NGX_OMNIAUTH_APP_REFRESH_INTERVAL (integer): Interval to require refresh session cookie on app domain (in second, default 1 day).
  • :adapter_refresh_interval NGX_OMNIAUTH_ADAPTER_REFRESH_INTERVAL (integer): Interval to require re-logging in on adapter domain (in second, default 3 days).

Working with multiple OmniAuth providers

When multiple providers are passed to :providers, nginx_omniauth_adapter defaults to the first one in list. Other providers in list will only be activated for requests with x-ngx-omniauth-provider header (key is configurable via :provider_http_header).

Included config.ru (or Docker)

You can set configuration via environment variables.

The following variables are only available on included config.ru:

  • $NGX_OMNIAUTH_SESSION_COOKIE_NAME: session cookie name (default ngx_omniauth)
  • $NGX_OMNIAUTH_SESSION_COOKIE_TIMEOUT: session cookie expiry (default 3 days)
  • $NGX_OMNIAUTH_DEV=1 or $RACK_ENV=development
    • enable dev mode (omniauth developer provider)
  • github provider
    • $NGX_OMNIAUTH_GITHUB_KEY, $NGX_OMNIAUTH_GITHUB_SECRET: application key + secret.
    • $NGX_OMNIAUTH_GITHUB_HOST: (optional) Set if you'd like to use GitHub Enterprise instance (e.g. https://YOUR-GITHUB-ENTERPRISE)
    • $NGX_OMNIAUTH_GITHUB_TEAMS: (optional) Restrict to specified teams (e.g. awesomeorganization/owners)
  • google_oauth2 provider
    • $NGX_OMNIAUTH_GOOGLE_HD: (optional) Restrict to specified hosted domain (Google Apps Domain).

Manually (Rack)

If you're going to write config.ru from scratch, make sure:

  • OmniAuth is included in middleware stack
  • Rack session is enabled in middleware stack

Then run:

run NginxOmniauthAdapter.app(
  providers: %i(developer),
  secret: secret_base64, # optional
  # ... (set more configuration, see above variable list)

How it works

  1. browser access to restricted area (where auth_request has enabled)
  2. nginx sends subrequest to /_auth/challenge. It will be proxied to adapter app (GET /test)
  3. adapter app /test returns 401 when request (browser) doesn't have valid cookie
  4. nginx handles 401 with error_page, so do internal redirection (/_auth/initiate)
  5. nginx handles /_auth/initiate. It will be proxied to adapter app GET /initiate.
  • Also nginx passes some information for callback to adapter app.
  • x-ngx-omniauth-initiate-back-to URL to back after logged in
  • x-ngx-omniauth-initiate-callback URL that proxies to adapter app /callback. This must be same domain to backend app for cookie.
  1. adapter app GET /initiate redirects to /auth/:provider.
  2. Browser do some authenticate in adapter app with Omniauth.
  3. adapter app's omniauth callback sets valid session, then redirects to /_auth/callback, where specified at x-ngx-omniauth-initiate-callback.
  • Adapter app gives GET parameter named session on redirect. It contains encrypted session.
  1. nginx handles /_auth/callback. It will be proxied to adapter app /callback.
  • This decrypts given encrypted session string and set to cookie.
  • Then redirect to x-ngx-omniauth-initiate-back-to.
  1. browser backs to URL where attempted to access first, at step 1.
  2. nginx sends auth subrequest to backend app /test.
  3. backend app /test returns 200, because request has valid session cookie.
  4. nginx returns response as usual.


After checking out the repo, run bin/setup to install dependencies. Then, run rake spec to run the tests. You can also run bin/console for an interactive prompt that will allow you to experiment.

To install this gem onto your local machine, run bundle exec rake install. To release a new version, update the version number in version.rb, and then run bundle exec rake release, which will create a git tag for the version, push git commits and tags, and push the .gem file to rubygems.org.


Bug reports and pull requests are welcome on GitHub at https://github.com/sorah/nginx_omniauth_adapter.


The gem is available as open source under the terms of the MIT License.