All things JavaScript. A curated list of awesome JS development resources. The resources don't have to be strictly JS-related. They just have to be useful for JS developers.
The mission of this repo is to compile a list of actively maintained, high-quality resources that can be used to build modern web applications.
- If you're a beginner, use this repo to explore new tools and libraries.
- If you're an experienced developer, use this repo as a reference.
- If you're a maintainer of a cool JS project, use this repo to share your work with the world.
- Awesome cloud services
- Awesome dev tools
- Awesome node packages
- Awesome productivity tools
- Awesome vscode extensions
- Awesome web packages
We welcome and encourage contributions from the community! This repository thrives on collective efforts, and your input is invaluable.
You can contribute by:
- Adding new resources or categories
- Updating existing content (descriptions, links, etc.)
- Removing outdated or irrelevant content
- Fixing broken links or formatting issues
- Improving documentation or usage examples
Please open an issue or submit a pull request. Make sure to format your markdown files with Prettier before submitting a pull request.
npx prettier --write --end-of-line lf --print-width 100 --single-quote --tab-width 4 .
Apologies for not having set up a pre-commit hook to do this automatically. I don't want to pollute the repository with configuration files.
Use the following commit message format:
<type>: <subject>
for new files,[+]
for new content,[-]
for removed content,[*]
for updated content.<subject>
: Use the imperative, present tense: "add" not "added" nor "adds".
For example:
[*]: update
[+]: add
[-]: remove
[]: add
Contributors will be acknowledged in the file.
If you're interested in becoming a maintainer, please send me a message on Twitter, LinkedIn, or Instagram.
Thank you for contributing to the JS Dev Notes repository!
If you find this repo useful, you can buy me a coffee.