
All things JavaScript. A curated list of awesome JS development resources.

JS Dev Notes

All things JavaScript. A curated list of awesome JS development resources. The resources don't have to be strictly JS-related. They just have to be useful for JS developers.


The mission of this repo is to compile a list of actively maintained, high-quality resources that can be used to build modern web applications.

  • If you're a beginner, use this repo to explore new tools and libraries.
  • If you're an experienced developer, use this repo as a reference.
  • If you're a maintainer of a cool JS project, use this repo to share your work with the world.

Awesome lists


We welcome and encourage contributions from the community! This repository thrives on collective efforts, and your input is invaluable.

Contribution guidelines

You can contribute by:

  • Adding new resources or categories
  • Updating existing content (descriptions, links, etc.)
  • Removing outdated or irrelevant content
  • Fixing broken links or formatting issues
  • Improving documentation or usage examples

Please open an issue or submit a pull request. Make sure to format your markdown files with Prettier before submitting a pull request.

npx prettier --write --end-of-line lf --print-width 100 --single-quote --tab-width 4 .

Apologies for not having set up a pre-commit hook to do this automatically. I don't want to pollute the repository with configuration files.

Use the following commit message format:

<type>: <subject>
  • <type>: [] for new files, [+] for new content, [-] for removed content, [*] for updated content.
  • <subject>: Use the imperative, present tense: "add" not "added" nor "adds".

For example:

[*]: update awesome-node-packages.md
[+]: add awesome-cloud-services.md
[-]: remove awesome-cloud-services.md
[]: add awesome-cloud-services.md

Contribution recognition

Contributors will be acknowledged in the CONTRIBUTORS.md file.

Becoming a maintainer

If you're interested in becoming a maintainer, please send me a message on Twitter, LinkedIn, or Instagram.

Thank you for contributing to the JS Dev Notes repository!


If you find this repo useful, you can buy me a coffee.

Buy Me A Coffee