
Estonian TIMEX Annotated Corpora \ Eesti keele ajaväljendimärgendustega korpused

Primary LanguagePython

 Estonian TIMEX Annotated Corpora
 * ERY2012_t3-olp-ajav_modified
     113 texts from the Reference Corpus of Estonian, with manually 
     corrected temporal expression annotations. Texts cover various 
     subgenres: news, historical articles, parliament transcripts, 
     and legalese texts.
     See "ERY2012_t3-olp-ajav_modified/readme.txt" for details.
 * MThesis_2010_tml_mod_2
     315 Estonian newspaper articles with manually corrected temporal 
     expression annotations. Majority of the articles come from the
     Reference Corpus of Estonian; a small part comes from an online 
     news portal.
     See "MThesis_2010_tml_mod_2/readme.txt" for details.
 * scripts
     Scripts for converting TIMEX annotated corpora to EstNLTK's JSON 
     files, and for evaluating EstNLTK's TimexTagger on the corpus. 
     EstNLTK v1.6.6+ is required for running the scripts.