The main purpose of this challenge is to evaluate the ability to add functionality to an existing codebase following the pre-existent stack and design patterns.
On the backend you will find a node.js 3-layer architecture (you may want to read more about it at - read 3 layer architecture section and ignore the rest). The database layer was mocked with a model that reads and writes from/to a local object (you are free to replace by a Sequelize, Mongoose or any other tool). You can extend the existing API as you need in order to fit your needs.
On the frontend you will find a React/Redux project using:
- Reselect as selector library (
- Styled-Components as CSS-in-JS tool (
Please avoid using patterns/libraries that overlap the purpose of the existing ones.
Design and build a solution that supports a hierarchy within projects. A project may have another project as a parent and N projects as children. there's no depth limit.
The user must be able to list the project hierarchy (level 1 projects, the children of those (level 2), level 3 and so on)
The user must be able to change the parent (and level) of a project
Each project has a score value (integer between 1 and 100)
The user must be able to see the score of each project
The user must be able to see the average score of the leaves of each branch of the project tree eg.
Id | Name | Parent | Score | Children Score |
1 | L1-1 | null | 50 | 30 |
2 | L1-2 | null | 20 | 100 |
3 | L2-1 | 1 | 100 | 50 |
4 | L2-2 | 1 | 10 | null |
5 | L2-3 | 2 | 100 | null |
6 | L3-1 | 3 | 0 | null |
7 | L3-2 | 3 | 100 | null |
The current implementation exposes a REST API. Please extend the current implementation to support any other kind of communication (eg. RPC, Message Queue, etc. - keep it simple(!)). You don't need to code an end-to-end solution, just make it clear for us that you understood the point.
Dockerize the solution
Design your solution assuming each project can have hundreds or thousands of children
Assume the data can be filtered and, in that case, the Children Score shouldn't change based on what data is displayed to the user
The package.json was written to run on a UNIX environment. If you are working on a Windows environment please rewrite both package.json files properly.
Install the dependencies using npm i
and run npm start
in both backend
and front
directories two start the api and the frontend.