
Transform Replace on Target

Closed this issue · 6 comments

I'm working with FIM.MARE and trying to apply a Transform within a Export FlowRule.

<FlowRule Name="ExportSchool" Direction="Export" xsi:type="FlowRule">
    <Source Name="departmentId" xsi:type="Attribute"> D857
        <Transform xsi:type="LookupMVValue" LookupAttributeName="id" ExtractValueFromAttribute="locationId" /> L7891
        <Transform xsi:type="LookupMVValue" LookupAttributeName="id" ExtractValueFromAttribute="Code" /> 7891
	<Target Name="School" ActionOnNullSource="Delete" />
		  <Transform xsi:type="Replace" OldValue="7891" NewValue="7891E" />

I haven't tested the above, but I had the Transform for Replace on the Source instead of the Target and it didn't write a the new Value. My question is does the Replace need a rule above the Replace on whether Code 7891 is True or False, then it will write the new value? Values after # are not in file, just for reference.

Thank you for any insight.

Is this a complete rule ? There is no Target specified ? Have a look at the samples if you need more insight

Is this a complete rule ? There is no Target specified ? Have a look at the samples if you need more insight

Edited for complete rule

Also, what does the Debuglog output give you of hints ? You should be able to get more details on whats going on in the log.

This ended up working as documented (Samples & Event Viewer). Are Transforms able to distinguish two Replace Transforms with two separate OldValue & NewValue values in the same FlowRule?

You should be able to make the distinction if I understand.

For logs, please see documentation also as you are able to use DebugView from Microsoft to see a lot of logging of rules.

If you feel that your question have been answered, please close the issue.


Thank you Soren!