- 0
Comparing CS-value to MV-value before Export
#25 opened by alfgil - 9
MARE external deprovision
#22 opened by EminaKaric - 2
- 3
- 3
- 1
Error in multivalue concatenate after remove all values from a multivale attribute
#16 opened by antoniopanella - 4
- 7
Enhancement Request: Add Word Function
#14 opened by thomashouston - 1
Option to load DLL with coded-transform
#13 opened by sorengranfeldt - 4
Rules path and descriptions
#7 opened by lehtoj - 3
Externals - in MARE as in MRE
#11 opened by alfgil - 6
Transform Replace on Target
#12 opened by DKAivazi - 8
AccountExpires Export
#9 opened by Schliefer86 - 6
- 4
Group type transform in a single flow rule?
#8 opened by lehtoj - 3
- 1
- 2
Problem with static and multivalue concatenate sources combined in one source expression
#2 opened by gvweelden - 7