
Azure Machine Learning Gallery enables our growing community of developers and data scientists to share their machine learning pipelines, components, etc. to accelerate productivity in the machine learning lifecycle.

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT

Azure Machine Learning Gallery

Azure Machine Learning Gallery enables our growing community of developers and data scientists to share their machine learning pipelines, components, etc. to accelerate productivity in the machine learning lifecycle.

In this gallery, you can easily find a machine learning pipeline/component which is similar to the problem you are trying to solve, rather than starting from scratch.

Component samples

Scenario Description
Simple Algorithm for Recommendation (SAR)* An example of how to train, score and evaluate an SAR recommender using the Azure Machine Learning component.
This scenario contains the following components:
Stratified Splitter: split dataset into training dataset and test dataset.
SAR Training: Train a simple algorithm recommender.
SAR Scoring: using test dataset to score the trained recommender.
MAP: Mean Average Precision at K metric.
nDCG: Normalized Discounted Cumulative Gain (nDCG) at K metric.
Precision at K: Precision at K metric.
Recall at K: Recall at K metric.
Spectral Residual Anomaly Detection Anomaly detection aims to discover unexpected events or rare items in data. It is designed to be accurate, efficient and general, using Spectral Residual (SR) and Convolutional Neural Network (CNN).
Text classification using CNN An example of how to train, and score a CNN sentiment classifier using combination of Designer built-in modules and components.
This scenario contains the following components:
TextCNN Train Model
TextCNN Score Model
TextCNN Word to Id
Image classification using AML labeling dataset This scenario contains a component Convert Labeling Data to Image Directory to convert AML labeling dataset to ImageDirectory and other built-in modules in Designer, to build an image classification pipeline.
Natural Language Processing There are following sample components in NLP scenario:
Detect languages: Detect languages on text columns in a dataset.
Semantic Textual Similarity
Sequence Embedding: Model sequence data by extracting short/long term sequence features and generate emebedding in finite-dimensional space.
Score Sequence Embeddings: Apply sequence embeddings to score data using transformation state from training dataset.

You can find more components here

Vote for more components

Vote for more components in the Microsoft Azure forum.

You can either vote for existing ideas or post your new idea in the Microsoft Azure Machine Learning channel. If you have specific design and script, feel free to upload in the channel. Make sure you contain component, and designer in the title if you post your new ideas.

Existing candidates:

Quick links

  • Pipelines - highlights of end to end machine learning workflows in multipe domains like text analytics, computer vision, recommendation, etc.
  • Components - a catalog of components which can be reused in different pipelines


Get involved

Please email us: azuremldesigner@microsoft.com

Help & support

This project uses GitHub Issues to track bugs and feature requests.

Please refer to FAQ for frequently asked questions or search the existing issues before filing new issues.

Following information are useful for debugging:

  • Pipeline run URL
  • Pipeline graph
  • Detailed error message
  • 70_driver_log of failed component


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Containerization Preview Terms of Use

These terms of use apply only to the containerization preview.

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