
This is a repository for experimental stimulus to explore machine heuristic in using recommendation systems.

Primary LanguageJavaScript


This is a repository for experimental stimulus for the paper "Are you aware of what you are watching? Role of machine heuristic in online content recommendations" on the International Workshop on Cyber Social Threats (CySoc) at the International Conference on Web and Social Media 2022 (ICWSM'22).


  • python 3.7.6
  • flask 1.1.1

How to run

Run command at folder that has app.py:

python app.py

You can access webpage through local machine.

Run with remote server

If you want to run the experiment at a remote server which allows users to access the experiment anywhere, please download ngrok in your server and run command below in an another terminal which will give you the url to access from anywhere. (Port number can be changed at your convenience by editing app.py script)

ngrok http 5000

Running example of the stimulus

The whole process of the experiment (korean). The participants experienced a recommendation system which is divided by the type of recommender (machine vs human). Below is the process of machine recommendation system.

  • (NOTE) Some videos contain offensive contents. And some videos of the list might be deleted by YouTube which cannot be accessible.