
Primary LanguageJavaApache License 2.0Apache-2.0

MVP Framework for Android Applications

This framework is our Android-Framework for MVP.

Dependencies: Android Support-Library v22.2.0

How to use it

Add the library to your dependencies:

compile 'com.moovel.mvp:mvp:0.2.0'

1. Create a View

public interface AwesomeView extends MVPView {

2. Create a Presenter

public class AwesomePresenter extends MVPPresenter<AwesomeView> {
    public AwesomePresenter() {

3. Create your screens

Extend your Fragments from MVPFragment or your Activities from MVPActivity. These are generic classes using 2 generic types. The first one is the view interface, the second one is the type of presenter which you want to use

public class AwesomeActivity extends MVPActivity<AwesomeView, AwesomePresenter> 
    implements AwesomeView {

    AwesomePresenter presenter = new AwesomePresenter();
    protected void onCreate(@Nullable Bundle savedInstanceState) {
    protected AwesomePresenter getPresenter() {
        return presenter;

Note: the Method "getPresenter" is used during the "onCreate" process, so make sure the presenter exists before.


  • The view gets attached to the presenter in the "onStart" method and gets unbind "onStop".
  • To access the view from the presenter call "getView". This method either returns the view or throws an ViewNotAttachedException
  • Calling "getView" in "onCreate" or "onDestroy" will cause Lint to fail.

Lifecycle Observers

LifecycleObservers are Interfaces that have callbacks on following Lifecycle-Events:

  • onCreate
  • onStart
  • onResume
  • onPause
  • onStop
  • onDestroy

Within the library you have the chance to add LifecycleObserver to:

  • MVPPresenter (add/removeLifecycleObserver)
  • MVPActivity (add/removeLifecycleObserver)
  • MVPFragment (add/removeLifecycleObserver)

Lifecycle Event Scheduler

Sometimes you want to execute an action, when a lifecycle event happens i.e. you want to cancel http requests when the activity is stops or you want to unsubscribe from an rxjava subscription/disposable when the activity is pausing.

This is why we introduced the LifecycleEventScheduler. It is an implementation of a LifecycleObserver which you can add manually to your MVPFragment/MVPActivity/MVPPresenter using the methods mentioned in the LifecycleObservers - Section.

Here's an example of executing a runnable on stop

private final LifecycleEventScheduler<Runnable> lifecycleScheduler
        = new LifecycleEventScheduler<>((event, item) -> item.run());

public void onCreate() {
    // enqueue the action to trigger onStop, in this case it unsubscribes from
    // a possible active subscription
    lifecycleScheduler.enqueue(STOP, () -> Log.e(TAG, "onStop was called"));
    lifecycleScheduler.enqueue(RESUME, () -> Log.e(TAG, "onResume was called"));

Note that the action will be called ONCE for all events you register an action for. On registering an action you have to pass the event name and an item you want to do something with.

Dagger 2 Extension

To simplyfy our lifes, when using dagger 2, we wrote an implementation, that simplifies presenter injections. Dagger Extension


Copyrights 2017 moovel Group GmbH

Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
You may obtain a copy of the License at


Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
limitations under the License.