
CodersLab Prework JavaScript

Primary LanguageJavaScript


JavaScript prework – exercises

How do we do the exercises and submit our work?

Do the following steps:

  1. Fork the repository containing exercises.
  2. Clone the repository onto your computer using the command: git clone repository_address. You will find the address of the repository by pressing "Clone or download" button on its webpage.
  3. Complete the exercises and commit changes to your repository using the commands below. git add filename will add a single file which you have changed. If you want to add all the changed files at once, use git add .. Remember that the fullstop (dot) at the end of this command is important! Next, commit changes using git commit -m "description_of_changes".
  4. Push changes to your repository on GitHub by typing: git push origin master.
  5. Create a pull request to the original repository when you have finished all the exercises.