- 3
Cannot import MNIST
#18 opened by anandhkishan - 2
Loading to numpy array is slow
#25 opened by darius - 1
Please include this in conda
#22 opened by jkterry1 - 1
- 0
MNIST download file formats
#19 opened by snatch59 - 3
mnist vs python-mnist
#16 opened by graingert - 1
EMNIST support
#11 opened by BartekH - 2
Release changes from 2017
#12 opened by B3QL - 4
numpy output?
#9 opened by stablum - 5
- 1
ReadMe modifications
#6 opened by kingfengji - 4
- 1
Can you add this to pypi please
#4 opened by hughperkins