A small Kotlin library that provides simple Aes GCM encrypt
/ decrypt
functions. Simple means that:
- Sensible default initialization vector (IV) size - 12 bytes.
- Sensible default tag length - 128 bits
- IVs are managed internally, eliminating the possibility of IV reuse.
implementation 'io.github.sorokod:simpleaesgcm:1.0.1'
import io.github.sorokod.simpleaesgcm.AesGCM
import io.github.sorokod.simpleaesgcm.AesPayload
import io.github.sorokod.simpleaesgcm.Base64Serializer
fun main() {
val secretKey = "16 byte long key".toByteArray()
val plainText = "some plaintext".toByteArray()
val encrypted: AesPayload = AesGCM().encrypt(secretKey, plainText)
val decrypted: ByteArray = AesGCM().decrypt(secretKey, encrypted)
println(String(decrypted)) // prints: some plaintext
The call to AesGCM().encrypt(...)
produces output of type AesPayload
- it is a pair that contains the iv
and the
byte arrays. You can convert an instance of AesPayload
to / from String
using a Base64Serializer
val serialized : String = Base64Serializer.serialize(encrypted)
println(serialized) // SCvalYd6/N9keYAu:RiNx5SyJSubAmJdiT7fVpkvPP/qZbEANetiQuFHK
val deserialized: AesPayload = Base64Serializer.deserialize(serialized)
val decrypted2: ByteArray = AesGCM().decrypt(secretKey, deserialized)
print(String(decrypted2)) // prints: some plaintext
- Further reading: Recommendation for Block Cipher Modes of Operation: Galois/Counter Mode (GCM) and GMAC (PDF)