
The rust powered endless online server emulator

Primary LanguageRustMIT LicenseMIT



The Rust-powered server emulator for Endless Online 🦀


Before building the server, ensure you have the following installed:

I recommend using rustup to install Rust and Cargo.


To build the server, simply run:

cargo build

For a release build, use:

cargo build --release


Set up and configure a MySQL database before starting the server. See the section below for instructions. Edit config/Config.toml to match your production database before creating a release build.

Database setup and configuration

We use a MySQL database to store game data.

  1. If you don't have a MySQL database set up, you can run this Docker command to create one:

    docker run --name reoserv-db \
        -e MYSQL_USER="reoserv" \
        -e MYSQL_DATABASE="reoserv" \
        -e TZ="UTC" \
        -p "3306:3306" \
        -v ./db-init/:/docker-entrypoint-initdb.d/ \
        --restart unless-stopped \
        -d mariadb:latest

    Replace CHANGEME with your own secure passwords.

  2. Edit the database connection settings in config/Config.toml or in a copy of it (config/Config.local.toml) accordingly before building / running the server.

Start the server

To run the server, use:

cargo run

Setup quests, NPCs and items for your server

See our documentation for instructions on how to setup quests, NPCs, items and more for your server.

Setup the Endless Online client

See eo-client/README.md for instructions