Image Registration using OpenCV

This Jupyter Notebook contains code for performing image registration using the OpenCV library in Python. The notebook covers the basic concepts of image registration, including feature detection and matching, homography estimation, and perspective warping.

Table of Contents


The project demonstrates how to use OpenCV for image registration, which is the process of aligning two or more images of the same scene taken from different angles or viewpoints. The notebook explains the importance of image registration in various computer vision applications, including object recognition, 3D reconstruction, and motion analysis.

Data Preparation

The notebook provides code for loading and preprocessing two images to be registered, including resizing, grayscaling, and smoothing. The images used in the project are the standard test images available in the OpenCV library.

Feature Detection and Matching

The notebook covers various feature detection and matching techniques, including Harris corner detection, Shi-Tomasi corner detection, and SIFT feature extraction. The notebook explains how these techniques work and provides code to implement them in Python.

Homography Estimation

Once the features are detected and matched between the images, the notebook proceeds to estimate the homography, which is the transformation that maps one image onto the other. The notebook explains how to use RANSAC to estimate the homography robustly in the presence of outliers.

Perspective Warping

The final step in image registration is to use the estimated homography to warp one image onto the other. The notebook provides code to perform perspective warping using OpenCV functions, including cv2.warpPerspective and cv2.getPerspectiveTransform.

Results and Discussion

The notebook evaluates the performance of the image registration pipeline on the test images, reporting the accuracy achieved by each technique. The results indicate that SIFT feature extraction and RANSAC-based homography estimation perform better than other techniques. The notebook also provides a discussion of the results, including the advantages and limitations of using these techniques for image registration, as well as suggestions for further research and experimentation.

Overall, this Jupyter Notebook provides a comprehensive and hands-on introduction to image registration using OpenCV. The code is well-documented and easy to follow, making it a good starting point for those interested in exploring image registration further.