
Introduces simulated allele-specific copy number variants into exome and targeted sequence data sets

Primary LanguagePython


Introduces simulated allele-specific copy number variants into exome and targeted sequence data sets


*** General NGS tools ***




Python packages

pysam (version 0.8.4): pysam

Note: the latest version of pysam (0.9.0) is not backward compatible with Samtools1.2

pyVCF pyvcf

pyBedTools pybedtools

*** Parameters ***

-inbam: input sorted and indexed normal bam file

-cnv_amp: bed file for allele-specific and cancer-specific CNV amplifications (null is not specified)

-cnv_del: bed file for allele-specific and cancer-specific CNV deletions (null is not specified)

-vcf: normal heterozygous vcf file (could be from HaplotypeCaller output, remember to filter indels and homozygous loci)

-exons: exon bed files (SureSelect V5 + UTR)

-r: reference hg19 fasta file (should be indexed: .fai, .amb, .ann, .pac, .awb)

-outbam: output engineered, sorted bam file

-phased(optional): Binary flag to perform phasing (BEAGLE) of SNPs prior to spiking CNV's