
Example and helpers for building rust projects under cmake

Primary LanguageCMake

Rust CMake

An example of integrating cargo/rust with CMake projects, and a reusable cmake function to help.

This builds arbitrary rust projects under your ${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR} output directory.


  • CMakeLists.txt is the top level CMake configuration file
  • rust.cmake defines a function to build rust libraries
  • bin/ contains the C source files
  • rs/ contains the example rust library

Building the example

  • git clone git@github.com:ryankurte/rust-cmake.git to clone
  • cd rust-cmake to change to the project directory
  • mkdir build && cd build to create a build directory and change to it
  • cmake .. to configure cmake
  • make testlib to perform a first library build (see issues section following)
  • make to build everything
  • ./example to execute the example application

Using this in a cmake project

  • Copy rust.cmake into your project
  • Include it in your top level CMake file with include(rust.cmake)
  • Add a rust project with build_rust(NAME LOCATION TARGET), target can be "" for native compilation.
  • Add ${RUST_LIBS} to your linker arguments with target_link_libraries(example ${RUST_LIBS}).


  • The c header file is not generated until the rust library is built, which must be manually run the first time. There should be a way to order this.