
A .NET library for converting epub and markdown to each other.

Primary LanguageC#MIT LicenseMIT


Markdown Epub Utility

NuGet Version


Markdown Epub Utility is a cross platform library that converts Markdown documents into Epub e-books.

By using the 'SplitLevel' parameter, it is possible to achieve the segmentation and display of e-book content, avoiding loading delays caused by all content being squeezed into one 'HTML'.


// Build Epub
var epubMetadata = new EpubMetadata
    Title = "The Art of Unix Programming",
    Language = "en",
    Author = "Eric S. Raymond",

var mdPath = @"D:\Books\Novel\TheArtofUnixProgramming\TheArtofUnixProgramming.md";
var coverPath = @"D:\Books\Novel\TheArtofUnixProgramming\cover.jpg";
var buildPath = @"D:\TheArtofUnixProgramming.epub";

var buildMetadata = new BuildMetadata(mdPath, coverPath, pageSplitLevel:1);

var epub = new EpubBook(epubMetadata, buildMetadata);

// Open Book
var book = EpubBook.OpenBook(@"D:\The Art of Unix Programming.epub");
var imageList = book.ExtractImage();

var imagePath = @"D:\images\";
if (!Directory.Exists(imagePath)) Directory.CreateDirectory(imagePath);
foreach (var image in items)
    var filePath = Path.Combine(imagePath, image.FileName);
    File.WriteAllBytes(filePath, image.Content);

To do List

  • Extract Markdown from Epub.

Markdown Epub Utility CLI

short name long name description
-m --markdown Path to the markdown file (required)
-c --cover Path to the cover file
-b --build Path to generate the EPUB file
-l --language Language for the EPUB
-t --title Title of the EPUB ebook
-a --author Author's name
-u --uuid Unique identifier for the EPUB
-s --split Level of page file splitting


eb build --markdowm file.md --cover cover.jpg --split 2 -author author

eb build -m file.md -c cover.jpg -s 2 -a author



EpubBuilder is released under the MIT