
Web app to search for recipes and create your own ones.

Primary LanguageJavaScript


More complex web app that lets you search for recipes in a database and view the details of each recipe. It also allows users to change the amount of servings, bookmark their favorite recipes and create their own ones.

This app was created while I studying this JS course. It is the final and most complex project.


  • HTML & CSS with Sass
  • JavaScript
  • Modules:
    • fractional
    • gh-pages
  • Bundled with Parcel

What I learned

Forkify completed my knowledge of basic and more advanced JS. It felt really good coding an almost real project and seeing how it works.

  • MVC architecture
  • Structuring code correctly
  • Using an API
  • POST requests
  • Documenting code

Biggest obstacle

The biggest pitfall in this project was to find time for this complex JS project and to understand all the complex concepts.

Possible extensions

  • Shopping list
  • Meal planning
  • Form validation
  • Dark mode