
Build Error on Example

Closed this issue · 6 comments

IDE: Arduino 1.8.9
Board: AdaFruit Feather M0
Example: FRAM_I2C_simple_write_read

FRAM_I2C_simple_write_read:44:11: error: request for member 'begin' in 'mymemory', which is of non-class type 'FRAM_MB85RC_I2C()'



FRAM_I2C_simple_write_read:52:21: error: request for member 'writeByte' in 'mymemory', which is of non-class type 'FRAM_MB85RC_I2C()'

resultw = mymemory.writeByte(writeaddress, writevalue);

Looks like the class is not loaded. Did you import it in the libs folder of Arduino IDE ?

Can you remove the brackets at the object creation ?

FRAM_MB85RC_I2C mymemory;

This is the way the example had been modified a few days ago.

Another way is using the constructor providing the chip address and the use write protect

FRAM_MB85RC_I2C mymemory(address, false);

Let me know

No feedback, I am closing the issue