
An IPython Widget for Aladin Lite

Primary LanguagePythonBSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" LicenseBSD-3-Clause


A bridge between Jupyter and Aladin Lite, enabling interactive sky visualization in IPython notebooks. With a couple of lines, you can display Aladin Lite, center it on the target of your choice, and overlay an Astropy table:

ipyaladin example


Some example notebooks can be found in the examples directory.

Binder. You can also try it directly in mybinder, without installing anything.


To install use pip or conda :

> pip install ipyaladin
> # OR
> conda install -c bmatthieu3 ipyaladin

You can already try to load ipyaladin in a notebook.

from ipyaladin import Aladin
aladin = Aladin()

If it does not work, make sure to enable widgetsnbextension and ipyaladin:

> jupyter nbextension enable --py widgetsnbextension
> jupyter nbextension enable --py --sys-prefix ipyaladin

Additionny, for a jupyterlab < 4 usage you might need to (note that this is not needed for jupyterlab >= 4.0):

> jupyter labextension develop ipyaladin --overwrite

New features corner


Development installation

First, make sure you have installed jupyter on your python environnement: pip install jupyter. For a development installation Node.js and Yarn version 1 are also required,

> git clone https://github.com/cds-astro/ipyaladin.git
> cd ipyaladin
> npm install yarn
> cd js
> npm install
> cd ..
> pip install -e .

(note that the point is important in the last instruction)

Then you need to rebuild the javascript when you change the code:

> cd js
> yarn run build

You then need to refresh the JupyterLab page when your javascript changes.