
Primary LanguageKotlin


The assignment:

Main Objective:

  • Create a gif search application using Giphy service;


  • Swift 4;
  • RxSwift
  • Auto search - search requests performed after a 0.5 second delay after text input has stoped;
  • Results displayed in a UICollectionView;
  • Loading more results when scrolling;
  • Comments on code that you feel require additional explanation;



The assignment:

Main Objective:

  • Create an application from a scratch with possibility to search GIFs through giphy service;


  • Implement “live search” - i.e. request is sent in N milliseconds (for example 200) after the user has entered some input;
  • Results are displayed in RecyclerView;
  • Request pagination - load enough items to populate the RecyclerView and load more items every time user scrolls to the end of the list (limit / offset);


  • UI can be very simplistic, but should be responsive and precise, accurate and done according to guidelines;
  • Usage of kotlin, rxjava, android databinding library, dagger, mvvm (android architecture components) will be considered as an advantage but is not necessary;
  • No time limit - quality > speed;
  • Giphy documentation - https://developers.giphy.com/docs/#operation--gifs-search-get