
Primary LanguageC++Apache License 2.0Apache-2.0

EOS Chronicle Project

This project is an implementation of work proposal as published at https://github.com/cc32d9/eos-work-proposals/tree/master/001_EOS_History_Database

The goal is to build a scalable and reliable toolset for maintaining EOS blockchain history in a database.

The first stage of the project is to produce a feed of blochain events that could be consumed by other components for further processing. chronicle-receiver is implementing this as described below.


The receiver is designed to work with state_history_plugin of nodeos. It connects to the websocket endpoint provided by the state history plugin and starts reading its data from a specific block number.

The receiver is compiled with a number of exporter plugins, and only one exporter plugin can be enabled in its configuration. Exporter plugins organize the data export to their respective consumers.

Exporters may work in one of two modes:

  • in unidirectional mode, the exporter pushes the data downstream as it arrives from nodeos. Should chronicle-receiver stop, it will start from the next block after last known irreversible one.

  • in bidirectional mode, the exporter expects that the consumer acknowledges block numbers that it has processed and stored. Should chronicle-receiver stop, it will start from the block number next after acknowledged or last known irreversible, whichever is lower.

Unidirectional mode is synchronous: it reads a new portion of data from nodeos as soon as current information is written in the outbound socket.

Bidirectional mode benefits from asynchronous processing: the receiver starts with a parameter indicating the maximum number of unacknowledged blocks (1000 by default), and it continues retrieveing data from nodeos as long as the consumer confirms the blocks within this maximum. Received and decoded data is kept in a queue that is fed to the consumer, allowing it to process the data at its own pace. If the number of unacknowledged blocks reaches the maxumum, the reader pauses itself with an increasing timer, varying from 0.1 to 30 seconds. If the pause exceeds 2 seconds, an informational event is generated.

If nodeos stops or restarts, chronicle-receiver will automatically stop and close its downstream connection. Also if the downstream connection closes, the receiver will stop itself and close the connection to nodeos.

The primary job of chronicle-receiver is as follows:

  • it monitors account changes, and as soon as a new ABI is set on a contract, it stores a copy of ABI in its state memory.

  • upon receiving transactoin traces and table deltas, it tries using the ABI and decoding the raw binary data into the ABI-defined structures.

  • all data received from state_history_plugin is converted to JSON format. If there's no valid ABI for decoding raw data, it's presented as a hex string. In this case, an ABI decoder error event is generated.

  • it feeds all JSON data and all error events to the exporter plugin, and the exporter plugin pushes the JSON data to its consumer. As described above, the consumer may or may not send acknowledgements for processed block numbers.

State database

chronicle-receiver utilizes chainbase, the same shared-memory database library that is used by nodeos, to store its state. This results in the same behavior as with nodeos:

  • pre-allocated shared memory file is sparse and mostly empty;

  • in case of abnormal termination, the shared memory file becomes dirty and unusable.

The state database keeps track of block numbers being processed, and it stores also ABI for all contracts that it detects from setabi actions. Chainbase is maintaining the history of revisions down to the unacknowledged or irreversible block, in order to be able to roll back in case of a fork or in case of receiver restart.

ZMQ exporter plugin

exp_zmq_plugin is only supporting unidirectional mode.

It feeds the JSON data to a ZMQ PUSH socket in the same fashion as the zmq_plgin for nodeos: each message starts with two native 32-bit integers indicating message type and options, and then JSON data follows. The message types are listed in chronicle_msgtypes.h.

Websocket exporter plugin

exp_ws_plugin exports the data to a websocket server, and it supports both unidirectional and bidirectional modes.

The plugin connects to a specified websocket host and port and opens a binary stream.

Each outgoing message is a JSON object with two keys: msgtype indicates the type of the message, and data contains the corresponding JSON object, such as transaction trace or table delta.

In bidirectional mode, it expects that the server sends block number acknowledgements in text format, each number in an individual binary message.


Minimum requirements: Ubuntu 18.10, 3GB RAM

sudo apt update && \
sudo apt install -y git g++ cmake libboost-dev libboost-thread-dev libboost-test-dev \
 libboost-filesystem-dev libboost-date-time-dev libboost-system-dev libboost-iostreams-dev \
 libboost-program-options-dev libboost-locale-dev libssl-dev libgmp-dev pkg-config libzmq5-dev

mkdir build
cd build
git clone https://github.com/EOSChronicleProject/eos-chronicle.git
cd eos-chronicle
git submodule update --init --recursive
mkdir build
cd build
cmake ..
# use "make -j N" for N CPU cores for faster compiling (may require more RAM)

examples/exp-dummy-plugin explains how to add and compile your own plugin to chronicle-receiver.

Configuring and running

Similarly to nodeos, chronicle-receiver needs a configuratuion directory with config.ini in it, and a data directory where it stores its internal state.

Further on, we use Linux user eosio for running the receiver, and /home/eosio/chronicle-config as configuration directory, although you may choose other names.

Here's a minimal configuration for the receiver using Websocket exporter. It connects to nodeos process runnig state_history_plugin at localhost:8080 and exports the data to a websocket server at localhost:8800. In a production environment, hosts may be different machines in the network. The example is using bidirectional mode and default queue sizes.

The receiver would stop immediately if the websocket server is not responding. For further tests, you need a consumer server ready.

The Perl script testing/chronicle-ws-dumper.pl can be used as a websocket server that dumps the input to standard output, but there's an issue that is not merged into the CPAN module yet: vti/protocol-websocket#59

mkdir /home/eosio/chronicle-config
cat >/home/eosio/chronicle-config/config.ini <<'EOT'
# connection to nodeos state_history_plugin
host =
port = 8080
# Websocket exporter in bidirectional mode
plugin = exp_ws_plugin
exp-ws-host =
exp-ws-port = 8800
exp-ws-ack  = true

# Start the receiver to check that everything is working as
# expected. Use Ctrl-C to stop it.
/home/eosio/build/eos-chronicle/build/chronicle-receiver \
  --config-dir=/home/eosio/chronicle-config --data-dir=/home/eosio/chronicle-data

# Prepare for long-term run inside a systemd unit

cat >chronicle-config/chronicle-receiver.service <<'EOT'
Description=EOS Chronicle receiver
ExecStart=/home/eosio/build/eos-chronicle/build/chronicle-receiver --config-dir=/home/eosio/chronicle-config --data-dir=/home/eosio/chronicle-data

sudo cp chronicle-config/chronicle-receiver.service /etc/systemd/system/
sudo systemctl daemon-reload
sudo systemctl enable chronicle-receiver
sudo systemctl start chronicle-receiver
# check the status
sudo systemctl status chronicle-receiver

Only one exporter plugin can be activated at a time.

If you need to move or copy the state data, flush the system cache first:

sync; echo 3 > /proc/sys/vm/drop_caches

Command-line and configuration options

The following options are available from command-line only:

  • --data-dir=DIR (mandatory): Directory containing program runtime data;

  • --config-dir=DIR Directory containing configuration files such as config.ini. Defaults to ${HOME}/config-dir;

  • -h [ --help ]: Print help message and exit;

  • -v [ --version ]: Print version information;

  • --print-default-config: Print default configuration template. The output will have empty plugin option, so you will need to add an exporter plugin to it.

  • --config=FILE (=config.ini): Configuration file name relative to config-dir;

  • --logconf=FILE (=logging.json): Logging configuration file name/path for library users. An example file that is only printing error messages is located in examples/ folder.

The following opttions are available from command line and config.ini:

  • host = HOST (=localhost): Host to connect to (nodeos with state_history_plugin);

  • port = PORT (=8080): Port to connect to (nodeos with state-history plugin);

  • skip-to = BLOCK (=0): At the start, jump to the block number after the specified one. This will likely lead to inconsistent ABI information;

  • receiver-state-db-size = N (=1024): State database size in MB;

  • --report-every = N (=10000) Print informational messages every so many blocks;

Options for exp_ws_plugin:

  • exp-ws-host = HOST (mandatory): Websocket server host to connect to;

  • exp-ws-port = PORT (mandatory): Websocket server port to connect to;

  • exp-ws-ack = true|false (=false) Enable bidirectional mode (websocket server is expected to send acknowledgeements for processed blocks);

  • exp-ws-max-unack = N (=1000): Receiver will pause at so many unacknowledged blocks;

  • exp-ws-max-queue = N (=10000): Receiver will pause if outbound queue exceeds this limit.

Options for exp_zmq_plugin:

  • exp-zmq-bind = ENDPOINT (=tcp:// ZMQ PUSH socket binding.

Sample output

At https://cloudflare-ipfs.com/ipfs/QmZeR8hq9Vxh3VBy6YDYMJBzGSRR7kRReTiXRAgWRzdgRW you can download about 76MB of gzipped JSON output. The raw output of exp_ws_plugin is prettyfied and separated by double newline characters.

Release notes

Release 1.0

Known caveat: you need a valid Github account which is associated with your SSH key in order to be able to init the submodules recursively: (EOSIO/abieos#14).

This release is based on Block.one libraries of particular older versions. It uses abieos library from Novemner 13th, with an additional patch. Newer versions of those libraries are introducing some incompatible changes, and the work is in progress to adapt Chronicle to those changes.

Souce code, license and copyright

Source code repository: https://github.com/EOSChronicleProject/eos-chronicle

Copyright 2018 cc32d9@gmail.com

Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at


Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.