This repository was created for OSSCA LoxiLB mentoring training.
- OS: Ubuntu 20.04 or higher (Linux Kernel 5.15 or higher)
- Docker ce (latest version)
- Golang (version 1.22 or higher)
- Visual Studio Code
- Install Docker, Git, Vim, and Golang on Ubuntu
- Set up a remote connection to the Ubuntu environment using Visual Studio Code
- Fork the Repositories loxilb, loxicmd, and kube-loxilb from GitHub and clone the Repositories.
- What is Load Balancer?
- About LoxiLB
- About REST API
- About YAML
- About Swagger
- About CLI
- Basic Features of a Load Balancer
- NAT (Network Address Translation)
- Load Balancing Algorithms
- Utilizing GitHub in LoxiLB
- GitHub Actions
- About CICD
- Packages
- GitHub Pages
- LoxiLB Code Analysis
- About eBPF