
USC csci 522 Game Engine Development (Milestone projects)

Primary LanguagePython

Import IMGUI

  1. Add files path
  1. Add New files and folders in Visual Studio solution explorer manually
  • Because Visual Studio doesn't add new items (that you added in File Exploerer) automatically... which is stupid..
  • Right click Code / PrimeEngine -> add Import folder -> add imgui folder -> add backend folder
  • At each folder, right click -> add existing items: add new files from your file explorer
  1. Add Include directory path in Visual Studio
  • because your backend/imgui_impl_dx9 files have path error of #include "imgui.h"
  • Right click solution PrimeEngine~~~.sln => Properties => Configuration Properties: C/C++ : All Options
  • Additional Include Directories: click the dropdown at the right end. Add a local dir path to imgui folder.

Set up PE Workspace

Professor's installation instruction PDF link

  1. install cygwin
  2. Folder PEWorkspace: disable read only
  3. Tools/setenv.sh : edit with Notepad
export MAYA_DIR="C:\\Program Files\\Autodesk\\Maya2020"
export VSDIR="C:\\Program Files\\Microsoft Visual Studio\\2022\\Community\\Common7\\IDE"
  1. in cygwin terminal, if you see the error below, run this: sed -i 's/\r$//' setenv.sh
$ source setenv.sh
HI there!
-bash: $'\r': command not found
-bash: setenv.sh: line 60: syntax error: unexpected end of file

run: $ source setenv.sh again.

  1. Tools/premake.sh run:
$ ./premake.sh --platformapi=win32d3d9 vs2022

If the error below show, run sed -i 's/\r$//' premake.sh

: No such file or directoryenv.sh
: invalid shell option name: expand_aliases
Current dir: /cygdrive/d/csci522milestone/PEWorkspace/Tools
Changing to Code
./premake.sh: line 8: cd: $'../Code\r': No such file or directory
./premake.sh: line 9: premake: command not found
Current dir: /cygdrive/d/csci522milestone/PEWorkspace/Tools
Changing back
./premake.sh: line 12: cd: $'/cygdrive/d/csci522milestone/PEWorkspace/Tools\r\r': No such file or directory
Current dir: /cygdrive/d/csci522milestone/PEWorkspace/Tools
./premake.sh: line 14: $'\r': command not found
  1. run ./rundevenv.sh But If the error below show, run sed -i 's/\r$//' premake.sh
No such file or directoryetenv.sh

Run again $ ./rundevenv.sh

  1. This opens visual studio window. Choose the solution inside PEWorkspace/Code and open it. Run with F5 button, with Debug or Release mode.

  2. go to cygwin. Run command. But if the error below show up,,

$ ./pyclient.sh
: No such file or directorytenv.sh
: invalid shell option namet: expand_aliases
./pyclient.sh: line 5: $'\r': command not found
./pyclient.sh: line 6: pepython: command not found
./pyclient.sh: line 7: $'\r': command not found
sed -i 's/\r$//' pyclient.sh

Then run $ ./pyclient.sh again.