
Porfolio practice - Node js, Express, MongoDB, Video, CRUD, Javascript

Primary LanguageJavaScript


  • 2020, following tutorials by nomadcoders.co
  • Cloning Youtube with Vanilla and NodeJS


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  • Node JS, Express
  • MongoDB, Mongoose


$ npm init
$ npm install express
$ node index.js

$ npm install @babel/node @babel/preset-env @babel/core
$ npm install cookie-parser body-parser

$ npm install nodemon -D
$ npm install dotenv
$ npm install webpack webpack-cli
# install packages that don't need to be included in dependencies
# only for dev process, devDependencies
# change in pacakge.json: "start": "nodemon --exec babel-node index.js",
# autostart the server when code changes

$ npm start # after babel, npm start is shortcut of command node index.js

$ npm install webpack webpack-cli
# create webpack.config.js file in root dir
$ npm install --save-dev extract-text-webpack-plugin@next
# @ 쓰면 exact version install, @next beta version or sth
$ npm install css-loader postcss-loader sass-loader
$ npm install autoprefixer
$ npm install node-sass


  • change in pacakge.json: "start": "nodemon --exec babel-node index.js --delay 2"
    • give delay time between babel start & index.js function to avoid bugs
  • express
    • middleware
    $ npm install morgan
    $ npm install helmet

3.0 Mongodb install

$ brew services start mongodb-community@4.2
$ mongo  # check if mongo is running
  • windows 10 설치: 윈도우 10에서 다운로드 > 설치 후 mongod가 실행되지 않는다면 다음을 따라서 환경변수 추가를 해보세요.
    1. [내컴퓨터] 우클릭 > [고급시스템설정] > [환경변수(N)]
    2. 시스템변수 리스트 중 'Path'를 선택하고 편집을 선택한 후 'Mongodb의 설치경로₩bin'을 추가
    3. vscode 재실행 후 터미널에 'mongod'입력
  • https://medium.com/stackfame/run-mongodb-as-a-service-in-windows-b0acd3a4b712
// open command prompt as administrator
$ net start mongodb
$ net stop mongodb
  • mongodb is perfect for json file

3.12 Regex

  • regex101.com
  • for mongodb data

4.0 webpack

  • module bundler
  • modules with dependencies --> webpack --> static assets (old, normal scripts)
  • we want to change scss to css, extract the text and save it into css file
  • postcss, autoprefixer
  • package.json: "dev:assets": "WEBPACK_ENV=development webpack -w"
    • 파일 바껴도 계속 자동으로 run 하게끔 수정
  • babel-loader
  • @babel/polyfill


  • MOV files don't work well : sound only