
Radar chart visualizations

Primary LanguageJavaScript


Radar chart visualizations


  • Your HTML should have an empty div with id viz, i.e. <div id="viz"></div>
  • After importing radar.js and the required js/css dependencies, call render_radars(data_or_path, params, default_tweak_params), where data_or_path is either a js object or a path to a json file, params is an associative array that controls display/data normalization parameters, and default_tweak_params is an associative array that controls default values for tweakable paramters such as size and color.


  • Found in read_params of render_radars (default values also defined here)
  • display_name: boolean, show name at bottom of radar
  • display_axes: boolean, show axes lines
  • display_metrics: boolean, show axes labels (e.g. categories)
  • display_metric_details: boolean, show extra information under each axes label (e.g. exact value of topic affinity);
  • display_photo: boolean, show photo in blob. Photo filename must be same as name
  • tweak_mode: boolean, show tweakable parameters sliders and inputs controlling size and color
  • normalize_data: boolean, option to normalize data
  • normalize_by: string - 'person', normalize per radar chart
  • initial_time_period: int, if json contains radars for multiple time periods, which one to show initially

Tweak Paramters

  • Default values found in initialize_tweak_params and initialize_colorpicker
  • tension: float in [0.0, 1.0], controls tension of cardinal line, i.e. how pointy blob is
  • intermediate_pts_value: float in [0.0, 1.0], controls radius of intermediate control points, i.e. how 'full' the blob is
  • color_blob_opacity: float in [0.0, 1.0]
  • blob_color: hexstring
  • fig_dim: int, controls how large individual radar chart is
  • max_svg_width: int, controls maximum width of svg

Running fingerprint.html

JSON files / Javascript objects

  • Format:
  "start": "2015-07-21",
  "end": "2015-07-27",
  "data": {
    "John Kasich": {
      "immigration": 4,
      "economy": 3.23,
      "foreign policy": 2.56,
      "education": 2.89,
      "guns": 1.2
    "Hillary Clinton": {
      "immigration": 2.6,
      "economy": 3.3,
      "foreign policy": 5.3,
      "education": 1.2,
      "guns": 4.4


  • Only modify CSS when updating blob opacity sliders, don't redraw
  • Option to use different scale (e.g. log) using D3 scales
  • Position the picture in center of blob
  • Calculate area of blob (using cross product / Green's Theorem?)