Sota Framework for NodeJS server

1.Structure overview

Structure diagram

2.Folders organization

2.1.Permanent files and folders

app/ 				# Here come the business stuffs of our app
  controllers/ 		# Don't need to explain this obvious things...
  Main.js 			# Initializer script of the app
boot/ 				# Scripts to start app as a daemon
  Config.js 		# Should be a symlink to one of following config files
  Config_Dev.js 	# Config for development enviroment
  Config_Prod.js 	# Config for production enviroment
  Config_Clgt.js 	# We may have various environments though
  Routes.js 		#
core/ 				# Core of Sota framework
public/ 			# Here come static files
views/ 				# Enough obvious as well

2.2.Optional files and folders

helpers/ 			# Place multi-model handlers here (contain business/logic)
libs/ 				# Sometimes we need to use external libs, put them here
utils/ 				# For common, static handlers (just deal with primitive data)

3.Code APIs


  • initialize($super, params)
  • extend(superclass, interfaces)


  • create(func)
  • createNoAuth(func)
  • authenticate(req, res, callback) ...
// TODO: determine put all handled path in routing files,
// or separate in each controller


// TODO: create sample files


// Almost no common things
// Handle business for particular application


  • initialize($super, dataSource, adapter)
  • createTable(callback)
  • find(options, callback)
  • findOne(options, callback)
  • findById(options, callback)
  • insert(entity, callback)
  • insert(entities, callback)
  • update(entity, callback)
  • update(options, callback)
  • delete(entity, callback)
  • delete(entities, callback)
  • delete(options, callback)
  • beginTransaction(callback)
  • commit(callback)
  • rollback(callback)
  • exec(sql, options, callback)


  • initialize($super, model)
  • save(callback)
  • beforeSave($super, callback)
  • afterSave($super, callback)
  • delete(callback)
  • beforeDelete($super, callback)
  • afterDelete($super, callback)
  • reload(callback)
TODO: Determine whether we need this class...


  • initialize($super, config)
  • select(options, callback)
  • insertOne(entity, callback)
  • insertBatch(entities, callback)
  • updateOne(entity, callback)
  • updateBatch(options, callback)
  • deleteOne(entity, callback)
  • deleteBatch(options, callback)

4.Sample code

TODO: add sample code

5.Backlog - TBD

  • Standard/expandable user table
  • Session info/Authentication
  • Processes pooling/management
  • Failure handling
  • Database connection pooling/management
  • Handle hookers